I found some cute fabric panels on clearance in February. I decided to make them as a special surprise for the last day of school The girls love their dresses and skirts.
Friday, May 31
Friday, May 17
Biddy Graduates Pre-School
It was so much fun to watch our Biddy perform with her class at pre-school graduation. She was sooo cute!! She sang every song, knew all the actions and gave us lots of cute smiles. She loves her teacher Mrs. Thomas and she got a wonderful education at W. E. E. school. Now we are on to the next step Kindergarten!!!!
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Saturday, May 11
11 Months
Who needs a dog in the house when you have The Bellie!!!
She loves to splash in the water table.
Biddy enjoys having someone to play with.
She can climb up the entire flight of stairs. It made me so nervous at first, but she has proved to be a pro and doesn’t even attempt to go down. She is growing up so fast!
Posted by Corinne 0 comments
Monday, May 6
Look Who’s Seven!!
Our sweet girl is growing up so fast. She has made so many strides towards being an independent, confident and happy girl. She is loved by her family, adored by her friends , and appreciated by her teachers. I am so pleased with her progress in school. She is a great reader and works hard every night to finish her homework. Zana is an amazing speller. She can spells most simple words correctly and gets 100% on all her tests without ever having to study. She just finished taking a pre-piano music class and loved it. She has a wonderful ear for music so I think she will be ready to start lessons soon. Susanna has always been a stylish girl and lately her fashion sense has come into full bloom. It has been lots of fun shopping with her at our local second hand kids store for clothes that match her personality. JJ’s hand- me- downs are a little blue for her. I don’t mind spending money on clothes for her because she takes such good care of them. She folds them so they fit perfectly in her drawers and every night she lays out the outfit she wants to wear the next day. My heart just melts every time she comes and gives me a hug or joins me in singing good night songs. Happy Birthday!
For her family birthday adventure we spent Saturday afternoon at Young’s Dairy Farm. They milk their own jersey cows and make homemade ice cream and cheese. They have turned their farm into quite the tourist spot and we enjoyed every bit of the fun.
She wanted to open one present at the farm and I knew the gift from Grandma and Papa was the perfect one to make her dreams of a LaLa Loopsy birthday come true.
On her Birthday we celebrated with our Ohio Framily. She opened lots of fun presents and cards from family near and far. The theme of La La Loopsy toys continued and she was thrilled.
I made her a cupcake cake in the spitting image of her new favorite La La Loopsy dol Harmony. She loved it and I was pleased at how cute it turned out.
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