Sunday, April 1

A Family General Conference

I grew up watching conference camped out on the living room floor with the whole family.  When we were little  Mom taught us the names of all the Apostles and we enjoyed playing conference games.  As we got older we learned to listen for certain topics and then started taking notes. My parents helped us learn to look forward to conference weekend and love listening to the messages.  I gained a testimony of living prophets by watching conference as a family.  It is my desire to do the same for my family but conference weekend has always been a challenge and a bit of a disappointment since we moved away from UT.  Our choices have been watching conference at church or on a small computer screen.  Neither of which provide the same type of family friendly environment I grew up with.   So this year I made it a priority to figure out how to stream BYU TV on our big screen. Thanks to Roku technology we had a conference weekend that reminded me of my days growing up.  JJ did an amazing  job recognizing the twelve apostles and all the girls had fun playing their conference games.  I feel like we are on the right track to help our girls develop their own love of General Conference.  


We had extra fun making conference cupcakes between sessions.
