Sunday, March 31

Happy Easter

All our favorite activities made an appearance this Easter. 

We made chow-mein noodle chocolate bird nests, IMG_2304

and sparkling colored Easter Eggs.


Everyone had fun on the Easter Egg hunt. . .


well almost everyone.


Biddy got lucky.  She found the silver egg with $5 and won the raffle.  IMG_2347IMG_2349

The Easter Bunny came on Saturday and spoiled the girls rotten.



My garden bloomed just in time to celebrate Easter.

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The girls all looked beautiful in their dresses.  


We were so blessed to share the day with our surrogate family in OH. 


After dinner JJ and SJ entertained us with a fabulous magic show. 



Saturday, March 16

Grandma and Papa’s Visit

We love it when my parents come to visit.  It was especially fun because it was the first time they got to stay in our new house.  They flew in well after midnight so the girls made a beautiful poster to welcome them because they were all asleep.  The girls were still in school most days so we kept things pretty low key. 

We took a tour of the Wright Brothers Historical Monument.

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We visited the Museum of Art in Cincinnati and toured the Museum of the US Air Force. 

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When the girls were in school Grandma, Papa, Biddy, Nellie and I got to go explore some of Dayton's most beautiful neighborhoods, eat lunch at a famous hot spot.  We stopped in at the Esther Price Candy home store to buy some Easter treats and got a surprise visit from the Easter Bunny.

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Grandma and Papa got to attend Zana’s 1st grade play.  She did a good job being a star and shining her light.  Performing on stage is really scary for her so we were especially proud of her for doing a few dance moves and even singing a little bit.

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Mom and I had a chance to do some shopping, and get Shelac manicures at the Spa   while Grandpa watched the little ones. Grandpa got a kick out of how Biddy eats a Sam’s Club Churro- licking all the cinnamon and sugar.

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Monday, March 11

9 Months


Can you blame us for loving this girl!! She is such a joy.  The Bellie is growing up before our eyes and we are soaking up every minute.   She is going to be climbing the stairs in no time.


Our girl rarely stays in on place for long so it is almost impossible to get a good picture of her.  I had to physically hold her legs down on the couch to get this shot and it is still a little blurry.


When she does sit still she sits with her legs in a split position. I think she sits that way because it makes getting to a crawling position faster.  


Or she could be preparing for life as a ballerina.  Look at the perfect stretch.


  I have never been a big health nut but after raising a carbohydrate monster like Biddy I decided things would be different for The Bellie. She was going to eat her fruits and veggies and love it!   I found a website that talked about letting babies feed themselves a balanced array of an array of fruits, veggies, protein and whole grains. No baby food, baby cereals, baby puffs, rice mums, yogurt melts. And I am proud to say that I have not bought a single jar of baby food, nor do I spend hours making it. For the most part she feeds herself   The only grain based carbs she eats are a few cheerios. Her favorites include slices of avocado, bananas, and pears.  She chews on snap peas, broccoli crowns and green beans.  Chicken , meatballs, hot dogs and beans round out her protein. Lately I we have tried pieces of cherry tomatoes, grapes blueberries, strawberries and tomato soup.  She loves it all and I feel so good about feeding her such healthy natural foods.   



We sure do love our girl!
