Wednesday, June 11

The Bellie is Two!!!

IMG_2738Oh how we love our Bellie Girl.  Her bubbly, funny, personality is blossoming every day.  She loves the attention of her big sisters.  For that matter she loves any ones attention.  She will sing you a song, (Let it Go is her favorite), do a dance, or copy cat words and phrases all on demand. Her cute antics have us in stitches all day long. She can put her shoes on all by herself and go out side to play.  We have to keep a close eye on her since she thinks she is just as has big as her sisters.  She will ride their scooters and follow them around the block if given the chance.   I also have to keep an eye on her at home.  She will get into markers, my makeup and the nail polish.  I have to hide those items really well.

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Her favorite toys are babies. She has a bunch and enjoys being mama to all of them.  The Bellie also loves music.  She will sit at the piano and play and sing.  She dances to any song she hears and loves to try and sing along.  Her favorite animals are doggies.  She loves to act like them and watch them but she won’t get close to one.  So for her birthday I made her a doggie cake that she could dive right into. 


       Thanks Mom and Dad and Grandma and Papa for the climber!


No surprise she got a baby for her birthday. We love you Bellie!!!
