Tuesday, April 1

Promise Kept

I promised Jennah months ago that I would make some clothes for her favorite dolls. She thinks my sewing machine is amazing. She is positive I can make ANYTHING on it. I have avoided this project since the clothes are so small and I have no pattern. Well yesterday I finally kept my promise. I used some of the original doll clothes as a guide and I have to admit they came our much cuter then I expected. Jennah was thrilled with her new groovy girl outfits. Here are all the pics of her dolls.

Slumber Party Pals

Jennie, Tammy and Mary

Girls Just Want to have Fun

Spring Fling

Tropical Paradise

Sweet Chic


Missy said...

Those are really cute! You're talented!

Jennie Fife said...

I am so impressed! The clothes are darling and original. I'm sure Jennah was thrilled.

Melanie said...

Sewing and dressing dolls...lucky you! I get to reattach broken Transformer body parts instead. I live in a world of boys