Thursday, March 12

Liddy Ann

Liddy is Seven Months old today and boy is she growing up fast!!!

Liddy loves to eat. She will eat ANYTHING. She not only eats cereal but loves to eat baby cookies, baby rice cakes, and fruit in her mesh eater. None of my other kids touched a mesh eater. She eats fresh peaches, pears, apples and today Strawberries.

Liddy is on the move. She still loves to sit but we think she will be crawling in no time. She loves to push up on her knees and rocks back and forth. She can get to all her toys by pushing up on her toes and scooting forward. I have even "lost" her a few times when she scooted herself into another room. It is so fun to watch her and she is soooo happy.

We love you Liddy!!


Becky said...

So cute! She is getting so big! I can't wait to see her and you!

Tiffany said...

Wow, what a smiler, some of those pictures are to die for. What a sweet heart.

Heidi Gail Richhart said...

such a cutie! i remember when my niece kayla was that age. And i can't wait to see my new niece ashlee grow up. She will be here in about 4 weeks If not sooner. Sorry that i always go on about my family! they are just neat and i am proud of them.