Jennah is so cute and so silly. Her imagination always keeps us laughing. Each new day is an adventure and you never know what she will come up with. For example today she was playing a "Christmas Pony Game". She wanted to take a picture of them so you could see her game. The description, in her own words, explains what you are looking at.
"The ponies are all standing around the Christmas tree with their mother. The Christmas tree is made of princes doll clothes and a magic power necklace and a star. The tree was outside and we took the picture then the ponies went inside and went to bed then Santa Claus came and they woke up and opened presents. Pinkie Pie got a pretty pillow, statue and a kitty. The two baby ponies got their own bottles....Oh wait I have to tell you one more thing they wanted the pretty Christmas tree and got their magic flying things on so they could go to the magic peppermint forest to find the perfect tree."
Gotta love it!
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