Sunday, August 9

Doctor Day

I took the girls in for their yearly physical and we actually had a lot of fun. J..... was a great example for S....... who happily played along and completed the physical with minimal fuss. (she still doesn't like the doctor checking her mouth and ears) I thought they looked pretty cute getting their tests done.

Here is what Biddy did at the Doctors

Getting a "hug" from the blood pressure cuff

Height: 43"
Weight: 42 lbs
Vision: A little "fluttery"

Height: 37"
Weight: 32lbs
Vision: (one silly pun was enough)

Speaking of silly.....

Making silly faces for the camera is J....h's latest favorite.
They were such good sports
to put on the gowns for the Doctor.
Aren't they cute!

Both girls are happy and healthy

That Afternoon we attended a Safety Mother's Group. One of the Moms is an EMT and arranged for the ambulance to come. The kids learned a lot and even got to take a turn riding on the stretcher.


Tiffany said...

Your girls are so cute. Cool about the ambulence.