I have worked really hard not to post complaints about my husbands job. He has a job, he likes his job, and his job provides very well for us. The only thing I could really complain about is that his job requires him to travel. However I know that complaining about Burke's business trips doesn't make them go away. He doesn't make the decisions and he doesn't like being gone from us either. Hence you have yet to hear a whine or a whimper form me when Burke heads down to sunny Florida and I am on my own.....until today.
I am done being nice I am filing an official complaint!!! I know this complaint won't change anything but I am pretty sure it will make me feel better so here we go....
Since Feb Burke has gone out of town three or four days every two weeks. So you see I have a right to complain!! Wait it gets worse. He left Sunday and is gone through Wed of this week then he flies out again next Wed the 7th. That is two weeks in a row!!!
I am so sick of him him traveling. Burke is such a big help to me that when he is gone I get so exhausted taking care of everything. For example Sundays are really crazy days. I leave early to get to my Church meetings by 8:30. Burke gets the girls ready and brings them to church a little early so I can do their hair in the church bathroom. We have church from 10-1. Burke walks Biddy in the halls and sits with S..a in "time out" until she agrees to go happily to primary. Then after church Burke takes the girls home while I stay for my after church meetings. I thought I was going to cry yesterday having to juggle it all by myself.
My saving grace was that this was a short trip. Burke was supposed to be home Tuesday. Today he called to inform me that they extended the trip a day. Now I have to handle Wednesday mutual night all on my own. That is our other crazy day of the week. I scramble to get an early dinner on the table then leave at 6pm to pic up some of our Young women. Burke packs up the girls and brings them to the church at 7pm. After activities Burke packs up the girls again, takes them home and puts them to bed while I stay and clean up then drive my young women home. Burke usually gets home by 8:45m but I don't roll in until 9:30 or later. I can't even begin to tell you how much I am dreading this Wednesday.
It is not just the crazy days that are hard. It is hard everyday Burke is gone. It never fails that when 5 pm rolls around the girls turn into screaming banshees and then Daddy bursts though the door and somehow makes everything calm and happy once again. Oh how I miss him when he is not home. Without Burke my world turns upside down.
Well there I do feel better. Surprisingly this little hissy fit of mine helped. I am so blessed to have such an amazing husband and if he never left I wouldn't have a chance to really know how blessed I am. Here's to never complaining again.
Merry Christmas from Whistler
3 weeks ago
Wow! What a busy schedule! As much as it is not fun/convenient it is to have him gone, I do believe in the phrase, "Distance makes the heart grow fonder." Just like you said, you realize even more how much he does and it just deepens your love for him. (and I'm sure he LOVES hearing how much he is missed, too!) :) Love ya! Hang in there, you are amazing!
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