Monday, July 1

Picture Worthy

Our three day road trip to Utah began on Friday afternoon and took us through Ohio, Indian, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, and Wyoming.  The girls spent the time playing games on borrowed iPods,watching movies, napping, drawing, and making pip- cleaner figures.  JJ and I kept ourselves entertained with road trip scavenger hunt and the license plate game.  We did awesome, finding 46 states over the three days. The scenery was beautiful.  Rolling hills dotted with white farm houses and big red barns dissolved into miles of corn fields that danced with fireflies at dusk.  Then there were miles and miles of nothing, I mean Nebraska. Just when we thought we couldn’t handle any more monotony, majestic snow capped mountains rose on the distant plains.  The rough and rocky terrain of Wyoming was dramatic enough to draw the girls out of their IPopds and illicit some oohs and aahs. As we wound our way through a canyon and into the little town of Green River Wyoming we finally found something picture worthy. . .


No wonder I love the West so much.  You don’t find saddle seats in Ohio.  Or Chicken rings for that matter.